Welcome from Kiala


This is a quick intro video of me rambling on about how the class will work. I'm still working out the details, but here's the gist. I'll be adding content to the classroom on a somewhat daily basis throughout the month of May 2018. After that, I'll be adding content periodically.


I'll be holding live virtual sessions from time to time and I'll invite you to join me. Stay tuned for dates and time. They are coming soon.


More coming soon starting June 2021.


This is a process based class, not a product based class. We are more interested in the process, the journey, the discoveries we make as we take this journey. This is NOT a race to the finish line. This is NOT a "get it done" kind of class. This is a class designed to GROW a Grimoire -- growth takes time. It takes patience.

I invite you to go slowly. To think. To plan. To read and research. To uncover. To dive deep. To share, be inspired, create, re-create, and revise. This is how we will grow, gather, and celebrate.

Complete and Continue